Tuesday, September 26th 2017

1. Stamina Conditioning
Odd: 6-10 Power Cleans (155/105)
Even: 6-10 Strict HSPU

2. Core
Uber Abs
OLY Class @ 630PM

Junk yard dog
Burgener warm up
Skill transfer exercises

1. Muscle snatch from floor: 3×2
2. Snatch high pulls + snatch: 3×2
3. Hang snatch: 3@60%, 3@65%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@80%
4. Snatch pause pulls: pause at 2 sec at each position. 1″ from floor, 1″below knee, 1″ above knee, hang, down position, high hang position. Retrace positions on the way down pausing 2 sec at each position. That is 1 set and 1 rep, perform 4 sets
5. Sotts presses out of a front squat: 1 front squat+5 sotts presses x 5 sets
6. Good mornings 2×5
7. Sit ups x 50 using a 5-10 lb plate behind head