Tuesday, August 1st 2017

1.Clean & Jerk
3+1 @ 65%
3+1 @ 70%
3+1 @ 75%
3+1 @ 80%
3+1 @ 85%

“Surfer on Acid”
400m Run
21 Burpees


OLY Class @ 1830

Junk yard dog
Burgener warm up
Skill transfer exercises

1.High hang snatch+snatch balance no dip+ohs: 1+1+3 x 5 sets. the high hang is straight up and down. no power snatch!!
2.Snatch tempo pulls: 3 x 2….10 sec up, 10 sec down. hit all 6 positions.
3.Sotts press out of a front squat: 1 front squat+5 sotts presses x 5 sets.
4.Good Mornings, use weight and pause 2 sec at the bottom. 2 x 5
5.Box jumps x 15 at 21″+ height.
6.Sit ups x 50.

The six positions are:
1-1″ off floor
2-1″ below knee
3-1″ above knee
4-mid thigh. AKA hang
5-the scoop. AKA down position.
6-can be 3 different names…. a. High hang if standing only. B. FINISH if exploding to a finish position from number 5. C. Can be a snatch from 5 position or a clean from 5. Depending on what we are working on.
We can also do tempo pause pulls where we would pause for a 1-2 second count at each position.
When doing both style of pulls (tempo no pause and tempo with pause) you go up hitting all positions and come down to Floor hitting all positions.