Tuesday, August 15th 2017
1.Clean & Jerk
3 @ 65%
3 @ 70%
3 @ 75%
3 @ 80%
3 @ 85%
3×1 @ 90%
8 C2B/12 Pull-ups
12 Air Squats
OLY Class @ 1830
Junk yard dog
Burgener warm up
Skill transfer exercises
1.Snatch push press+ohs+snatch sotts press: 1+1+3 x 3 sets.
2.Snatch+snatch balance no dip: 1+1 x 3 sets. As weight gets heavier progress to a Snatch+snatch balance with a dip for 1+1 x 3 sets.
4.Power clean+hang clean+ front squat+ jerk: 1+1+2+1 x 5 sets.
5.Strict pull ups x 50 (use a band if needed to complete)
6.Barbell curls: 50 reps.