Tuesday, July 17th 2018
1. Conditioning
5 Pull-Ups (Jumping Pull-ups)
12 Double Dumbbell Push Press (50/35) (35/20)
5 Pull-ups
100 Meter Plate Run (45/25) (25/15)
Today’s workout presents athletes with a variety of odd objects to throw around. The weight on the dumbbells should be something that athletes could complete 21+ repetitions unbroken when fresh. The Plate weight should allow athletes to run for every 100 meter run today. If unable to run, complete the following: 10/7 Calorie Bike (No Arms)
OLY Class @7pm
1. High Hang Power Snatch + OHS : 1+1x 3 x 3 sets. (Do not stand before going into your overhead squat. Your feet should land in the exact position that you normally squat from!) Work on speed and snappiness.
2. Snatch Pull+ Snatch High Pull + Hang Snatch + Snatch: (1+1+1+1) x 3 working sets.
3. Snatch: 5×2
4. Front Squat + Back Squat: (2+3) x 4
5. 3 sets:
DB Death March x 20 steps
DB Push up + 1 arm Row x 10 reps (push up+ right arm row+push up+ left arm row = 1 rep)
KB Side Bend + KB side hold (hold kb at your side, 1 inch away from body): (20+ 30 sec hold)