Saturday, June 2nd 2018
1. Conditioning
“Double Decker”
15 Power Snatches (75/55) (55/45)
30 DU/60 SU
15 Wallballs (20/14)
30 DU/60 SU
OLY Class @ 11am
1. Snatch Balance: 3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1
2. Pause Tempo Clean + Jerk: (2+1) x 3
*pause 1” off floor, below the knee, above the knee, mid thigh
3. Pause Power Clean (pause at parallel for 2 seconds) + Clean + Power Jerk+ Jerk: (1+1+1+1) x 5 working sets. Keep these light and work on meeting the bar.
4. Snatch Pull: 5×3 @ 90-95% of best snatch
5. 3 sets:
Hollow Hold: 3×45 sec
Bulgarian Split Squats x 6-8 each leg.
Supinated Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row x 10