Muscles de Mayo Rx WOD
For time:
Double Unders x 50
Front Squats x 50 (95/65)
Shoulder to Overhead x 50 (95/65)
Double Unders x 50
Muscles de Mayo Scaled WOD
For time
Double Unders x 25 or Single Unders x 100
Front Squats x 50 (65/45)
Shoulder to Overhead x 50 (65/45)
Double Unders x 25 or Single Unders x 100
Muscles de Mayo Party WOD
3 Rounds for time
Drink a cold Jarrito (or similar beverage of your choice)
1 Arm Overhead Carry Right Arm (xx/xx)* x 100 yards
1 Arm Overhead Carry Left Arm (xx/xx) x 100 yards
Freestyle Dance – 20 seconds
*It’s the party division. Weight is up to you…but you need to earn those Jarritos.