Saturday, August 11th 2018

1. Conditioning
“Century Club”
Teams of 3
For Time:
100/75 Calorie Row
100 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
100 Power Snatches (95/65)
100 Thrusters (95/65)
100 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
100 Thrusters (95/65)
100 Power Snatches (95/65)
100 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
100/75 Calorie Row
25 Minute Time Cap

Teams of 3 will work through all the reps at one station, breaking them up as they see fit, before moving to the next. Athletes will attempt to finish the workout under the 25 minute cap. Teams of 2 guys and 1 girl will row 90 calories, and teams of 2 girls and 1 guy will row 85 calories. The weight on the barbell should be a load that athletes could move for 20+ repetitions when fresh. Athletes will choose the same weight for both the power snatch and thrusters, but having multiple barbells for athletes using different weights than others on their team is recommended to allow everyone to get the correct stimulus. If short on equipment, stagger teams by 5-6 minutes on rowers.

OLY Class @ 11am
1. Pause Snatch Balance: 4×3. Stay lighter on these and work speed and perfect bottom position.
2. Close Grip Snatches (slightly wider than clean grip): 4×3. Stay light and work on feeling the aggressive pull under.
3. Box Squats: 3×3,3×2,3×1
4. Snatch Pull: 3×3
5. 3 sets:
Hollow Hold or Tuck Hold: 3×45 sec
Barbell Russian Steps ups x 7 each leg. Keep these light and explosive.
Supinated Grip Strict Pull Ups x 5-10