Monday, February 5th 2018
1. Strength
Front Squat
A. 4×5 @80%
B. 5×3 @90%
C. 1RM
D. 3×10 @70%
2. Conditioning
FESTIVUS WOD 2 – Chip’n & Twist’n
15-minute time cap
50 Dumbbell snatch alternating (50/35) (35/20)
40 Plate-hop Burpees
30 Air squats
20 No-rock Hand-release Push-ups (Knees allowed for novice)
10 Pull-ups (Intermediates) / Ring Rows (Novice/Masters) (butterfly not allowed for Festivus)
At the top of every minute the athlete will do 8 Plate-hold Russian twists. (25/15) (15/10)